Young Bui, DDS
30 East 40th Street Suite 1201
New York, NY 10016

Are There Any Alternatives to a Root Canal?

Root canal treatment is something that gets a bad press – people tend to think of it as a scary and painful procedure – when in fact most people who have experienced it report very little discomfort (just a pinch when the local anesthetic is injected), and following the treatment, relief from the dental pain they had been enduring due to the tooth needing this procedure.

However, because of the fear around root canal treatment, a lot of people do look for potential alternatives.

What Alternatives Have Been Suggested?

There are some treatments that have been put forward as an alternative to root canal treatment, including changing one’s diet, or treating the tooth with ozone gas or calcium hydroxide.

In reality, dietary changes can’t reverse existing tooth damage. While it is always a good idea for your teeth (and the rest of your body) to eat a healthy diet, switching to cleaner foods won’t be able to fix the kind of damage and infection that a root canal treats.

Other approaches like ozone and calcium hydroxide are not any more convenient than getting the root canal treatment as they still have to be performed by a professional under local anesthetic, however they haven’t been shown to be as effective as proper root canal treatment at preventing further infection or saving the tooth.


This means that really, the only truly viable alternative to root canals is to extract the affected tooth altogether. This is an option, however it is universally considered better by dentists to save a natural tooth where possible, as synthetic teeth simply aren’t yet as good as real ones. Extraction is usually only used as a last resort when there is no way to save an infected tooth, or where the choice is related to cosmetic dentistry rather than a diseased tooth.

To summarize, a root canal treatment is nothing to be afraid of and really is your most effective option if you have a tooth that requires it. You can talk over the options for your specific case, however if a root canal treatment is recommended, it is because it is the best way to prevent pain and save your tooth.

If you need a root canal, give us a call today and make an appointment here with New York City’s best root canal dentist. You won’t regret taking the best action for your teeth!

If you need dental care, call one of the best root canal dentists in New York at 646-205-3045. Our offices are available to help you to get the support and care you need to improve your oral health and protect your teeth.

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