Young Bui, DDS
30 East 40th Street Suite 1201
New York, NY 10016

Teeth & Genetics: Are Bad Teeth Hereditary?

You may have wondered if there are links between teeth and genetics, and are bad teeth hereditary? Genes play a significant role in how our bodies look and change as we grow older. Genes affect almost every trait in our body, acting as a blueprint for our body to follow through. But can your genes also affect your teeth? To summarize this answer, yes. Bad oral genes can negatively impact your oral health.

Are Bad Teeth Hereditary?

Can Poor Genes Cause Bad Teeth?

Genetics impact oral hygiene just as they affect every other part of the body. The overall health of a person also depends on their parents and family. Genes determine the shape and structure your teeth will take. And if you have poor structure and odd joints, you may be struggling with joint pain and other oral-related conditions.

Poor structure and crooked teeth allow more room for bacteria to grow. If the teeth are overcrowded or overlapping, the enamel is more likely to be much weaker. Even your jaw size can affect whether or not you will face joint pain in your mouth.

You are at a greater risk of developing plenty of severe oral health conditions due to your genetics and they can become a serious problem if you don’t take the proper precautions.

What Are You More Likely to Develop Because of Genetics

You can develop some severe conditions just because of the DNA you have. The most likely conditions that you will develop include:

Periodontal Disease

People can inherit periodontal disease instead of developing it. Also known as gum disease, it directly targets the gums. Its common symptoms include sensitivity to hot and cold foods and inflammation. Awareness and early diagnosis are very beneficial because if left untreated, it could result in tooth loss. If gum disease is an issue your relatives have struggled with in the past, then make sure you mention it at your next dentist’s visit.

Decaying Teeth

Some people can be at a higher risk of tooth decay in permanent teeth due to their genetics. Decaying teeth are more common amongst adults and comes in stages. If you spot cavities, you should book an appointment immediately.

The best course of action is to be cautious and use prescribed toothpaste and mouthwashes. If you aren’t careful with this condition, then it may lead to an infection, gum disease, and eventually tooth loss. Crooked or odd shaped teeth increase the risks of tooth decay, and severe decaying of the teeth can cause a root canal.

Discolored Teeth

People often have a yellowish hue to their teeth because of the thin enamel. Multiple aspects determine Teeth color; drinking coffee, not brushing teeth properly, having a poor diet, etc. However, a thin enamel layer is also a significant reason why you might have yellowing teeth. There are ways you can prevent your enamel from diminishing as you age, but you would will need to be extra careful with your diet.

Crooked Teeth

The most apparent and trusted way to fix crooked teeth is by getting braces. In fact, chances are that you aren’t the first one in the family to get them. Misaligned teeth are usually due to genetics. And since they overlap, and have gaps, they give room to more harmful bacteria to take root and spread through the tooth.

If you get braces in the developing stages of your teeth, your jaw and mouth structure will have no room for nasty bacteria to accumulate.

Are Bad Teeth Hereditary? Endodontics

Are Bad Teeth Hereditary? Bottom Line

You will likely develop these conditions because of your genetic makeup. However, if you make an extra efforts to maintain good oral hygiene and get a monthly checkup with a dentist, then you won’t face these problems.

Dr. Young Bui at Bryant Park Endodontics provides the best patient experience and ensures that your teeth stay healthy. Contact us at 646-434-1481 to learn more about your next checkup.

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