Young Bui, DDS
30 East 40th Street Suite 1201
New York, NY 10016

When is a Root Canal Necessary?

You may have wondered if and when is a root canal necessary. The root canal is a dental procedure to prevent tooth decay and permanent tooth loss. In this process, an endodontist cleans the infected and inflamed section of the tooth, such as the tooth pulp, and prevents the spread. The topmost layer of your tooth is the enamel. When the food builds up on the enamel, it causes plaque. Bacteria feed on plaque and minerals on the surface of the tooth, causing cavities. This exposes the middle and innermost layers of the tooth, which are dentin and dental pulp. The dental pulp contains blood vessels and nerves.

When is a Root Canal Necessary?

When a bacterial infection attacks the pulp, it becomes infected and inflamed. Inflammation causes pressure on the nerves and blood vessels, causing pain and sensitivity. A bacterial infection will completely damage your tooth, causing tooth loss. However, if you want to save your tooth, you need to visit a professional endodontist before the situation grows severe. If you visit the doctor in time, they can save your tooth from further damage by covering the cavities with filling. An endodontist performs a root canal procedure to eliminate bacterial infection and prevent tooth loss. Want to know more about the root canal and its symptoms. If so, read on.

What is a Root Canal?

Endodontists perform this tiny roto-rooter procedure to preserve your tooth. Here is a brief overview of the root canal process:

  • The doctor will extract decay and bacteria from the tooth nerve, root, and pulp.
  • They will use antibiotics for disinfection.
  • Once the canal is clean, it will fill the empty roots.
  • Now the endodontist will seal the surface and prevent the tooth from new decay.

By identifying decay in the initial stage, you can reduce the complexity of the treatment. Therefore, it is essential to know the initial signs. As a result, you can reduce the damage and perform a root canal in time.

When is a Root Canal Necessary?

Here are some signs indicating that you need a root canal:

1.     Severe Pain

Pain in the mouth may be uncomfortable, but it can subside with time. Even so, persistent pain isn’t something you should dismiss, so remember to visit your dentist. They can diagnose dental conditions and check for signs of tooth decay. You can even look for certain factors that indicate pain. These can help you gauge the severity. This pain may be a type of root canal pain. For instance, if you develop spontaneous pain that feels like a wave, it is a sign of a dead or infected tooth. In this condition, you need to visit an endodontist or get a root canal.

2.     Bumps on the Gums

Bumps on your gums also indicate that your tooth is suffering from a bacterial infection. When bacteria reach your tooth pulp, it causes inflammation. So, when you notice pimple-like bumps on your gums, visit your endodontist for a diagnosis. Experts refer to these bumps as fistulas.

3.     Hot and Cold Sensitivity

Sensitivity is a common condition, and hot or cold stimuli can trigger it. It happens due to exposure to dentin, the middle layer of your tooth. You do not need to undergo a root canal every time you experience sensitivity. However, when the effects of sensitivity prolong, it’s a sign of an infection. Upon noticing this symptom, consult with an endodontist for further inspection.

4.     Swollen Gums

Swelling of the gums is another sign of tooth infection. Sometimes, the gums swell after brushing and flossing too hard. This is a normal condition and does not indicate a bacterial infection. However, when you experience tenderness in the swollen gums and triggering pain to the touch, this can indicate a bacterial infection.

When is a Root Canal Necessary | Endodontist NYC

5.     Darkening of the Gums

The gums darkening is a sign of decay. If your tooth is about to die of tooth decay, the infection may be spreading to your gums as well. This is an obvious sign that you need a root canal.

6.     Tender Gums

Gum tenderness is another sign of tooth decay. This indicates that the infection is spreading to your gums. Also, you will feel pain when you touch the gum. Visit an endodontist for proper treatment and root canal. You can contact Bryant Park Endodontics to consult with highly qualified endodontics in NYC.

7.     An Abscess

An endodontist can see the abscess through X-ray imaging. It will appear as a dark spot. This is a hole in your jawbone due to infection. An endodontist will perform a root canal and clear the abscess, effectively avoiding further damage.

When is a Root Canal Necessary? Conclusion

A root canal may look painful, but it‘s much better than having to deal with persistent dental pain later on. Not to mention, dentists inject local anesthesia to numb the area, so you only experience minor discomfort. You can get a root canal from a dentist as well. Endodontists are specialists in performing root canals.

Give Young Bui DDS at Bryant Park Endodontics a call at 646-205-3045 for an appointment.

Bryant Park Endodontics
Young Bui, DDS
30 East 40th Street Suite 1201
New York, NY 10016




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