Young Bui, DDS
30 East 40th Street Suite 1201
New York, NY 10016

What Training Do Endodontists Receive?

What Training Do Endodontists Receive? Endodontists are more like doctors; it’s just that they specialize in a broader field that consists of resolving tooth infections and pain through root canals and other dental procedures. Endodontists are required to study in the field for an extra two years, during which they acquire training that goes beyond the standard dental school curriculum. This training focuses more on root canal treatments and tooth pain diagnosis.

This is what makes endodontists different from dentists. Endodontists are the ideal professionals to see for your tooth pain on a professional and advanced level. An endodontist’s training is similar to that of a dentist’s, except for the extra two years they spend after dental school. Read further below to learn about the training Endodontists receive that makes them such great professionals and also good at their job.

What Training Do Endodontists Receive?

What Makes and Endodontists Training Different From a Dentist?

There are a few differences in an Endodontist’s training. Here’s how they differ from a typical dentist:

Endodontists Gain Special Expertise

An endodontist’s practice focuses on dental pulp treatments. To specialize in this, they have to complete around 25 root canal treatments per week, while dentists usually complete two. Endodontists spend more time diagnosing the tooth issue and treating it but don’t give much emphasis on fillings or cleaning. Their primary area of expertise is to identify the main issue of tooth pain and give it the right diagnosis.

They Achieve Advanced Education

For a dentist to become an Endodontist specialist, they have to study two or three years extra in a special advanced Endodontic program. This usually takes place after the completion of four years of dental school.  The additional two years focus on dental pulp diseases and their required treatment.

Endodontists Work with the Latest Technologies

Endodontists have to work with cutting-edge technologies to make the treatment more successful. The treatment consists of using digital radiography, 3-D imaging, dental dams, and dental operating microscopes. All these instruments have their different uses, and to use them effectively, endodontists need special training during their specialized courses.

Endodontists Specialize in Tooth Pain Management

Endodontics specializes in finding solutions for excruciating tooth pain that patients experience. They learn special techniques, which they later apply as part of their practice, so patients feel comfortable during the treatment.  They are good at administering numbing medication, especially for patients who have difficulty staying numb. These numbing medications help with the healing after an inflamed pulp infection.

The Training process of Endodontists

1.     Get a Bachelors Degree

The first step towards becoming an endodontist is to get a bachelor’s degree from a reputable college or university. You will study the subject that comes under the medical dentistry field, and you can also spend your time interning in the medical field. You can specifically intern for dental clinics or hospitals to get an idea of what you’re getting into in the future.

Endodontists Training faq info process

2.     Secure an Admission in Dental School

Your next step, after getting a bachelor’s degree in dental surgery, is to get admission to dental school. Dental school is where you begin your main training starting from the history of dental sciences and other topics, including dental anatomy. Your program at dental school will go on for four years, along with yearly final exams. These results will help you receive a Doctor of Dental Surgeon (DDS) or Doctor of Medicine in Dentistry (DMD) designation.

Students who want to become Endodontists have to study for an additional two years to achieve specialized Endodontic training.

3.     License Training

The next step after dental school is to receive a license that will allow you to practice dentistry freely. To attain this license, you have to go for training and give an examination at the National Board Dental Examination, which comprises a written and clinical section. You have to pass both parts of the examination to gain a license in New York or any other state.

4.     Endodontic Residency

The final stage involves completing the endodontic residency program, which will help you become a successful endodontist in the future. In the residency program, you will come across modern endodontic treatments that are all board-certified.  Your residency program will last for two years, and the completion will only happen once you have successfully managed to pull off an independent research project. This project makes an appearance in a medical journal if they’re worth it. You will finally become a board-certified endodontist after completing your residency training.

The Bottom-Line

As you can see, the training endodontists receive is quite lengthy and takes up a lot of time and commitment. This is why endodontists end up becoming dental specialists and continue to make improvements in the world of endodontics. Check out Bryant Park Endodontics for the best Endodontist service.


Young Bui, DDS
30 East 40th Street Suite 1201
New York, NY 10016

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